March 1, 2011

Back on the web!

Well, after an unplanned lack of internet service, here I am again!
I've missed out on the cookbook challenges that have been going on, but I'm hoping I can jump right back into it. This week's cookbook is American Vegan Kitchen, which looks great! It seems to be full of classic comfort and diner style foods. I will pick out a few recipes and hopefully get cookin' this week...

To tide you over here are some pizza pictures! I'm using the 1000 Vegan Recipes basic pizza dough recipe, which I really like.

I saw some close-to-expiring Daiya on sale so I caved and bought one bag. The boyfriend loves it so.

This pizza is his, it's a BBQ seitan with onions and Daiya.

You know I snuck a bite ;)

My pizza ( I just wasn't in the mood for Daiya) had truffle oil, mushrooms, basil, onion and some leftover tofu ricotta.


Hmmm, now I want pizza again!


  1. Both sound yummy! I need some pizza now...

  2. Welcome back! I love how thick your crust is.

  3. Thanks you, I am really liking this particular crust recipe!

  4. The BBQ seitan pizza looks amazing. I haven't tried making my own pizza dough yet. I'll take note of this recipe for when I do :)
