This time I made Mango BBQ Beans and Fresh Corn and Scallion Corn Bread
First up, the beans:
What I liked:
Really tasty! I loved the homemade BBQ flavor! It was super easy too, once I cooked the dried beans.
What I disliked:
Nothin' really.
What I substituted:
Maple syrup for agave.I ended up using only one TBSP of sweetener (tasting as I went) which was perfect!
My man's opinion:
He said he liked it but would prefer it over something besides rice (my choice of side with it.) Maybe someday I can try the suggestion for mashed yucca!
I also made the Fresh Corn and Scallion Cornbread to go with it:
What I liked:
It was quick and easy to mix up with no weird ingredients.
What I disliked:
It didn't seem to turn out quite like I was both dense and crumbly. You can see the weird texture in that first pic. It almost didn't firm up into bread. I gave it about 5 extra minutes from the max time and still it wasn't quite right. I thought it could have used a bit more salt or maybe sorta tasted low-fat, if that makes sense?? I put a little EB on it after which helped!
What I substituted:
Maple syrup for agave. Frozen corn (thawed as suggested) instead of fresh.
Recipe notes:
Seemed to take a little longer to bake than the recipe said. Of course, my oven could possibly be off temp.
My man's opinion:
Thought it was okay, but he mixed it into his beans after tasting it, haha.
One or two more recipes from this book over the weekend and then I move on to the Veganomicon! :)
I've been curious about the Mango BBQ Beans! They're actually bookmarked in my book! I know what you mean about something tasting "low-fat", even though I loved the Irish Stew, it sorta tasted low-fatty to me.